Best Plants for Privacy

When it comes to plants for privacy, it's my view that the plant needs to be evergreen, have attractive foliage, respond well to pruning and have no prickles. Plants that can be used for privacy can...

Patio Aquaponics System

Do it yourself-Patio Aquaponic System This is an article about our patio aquaponic system. We are very much beginners and learning as we go. We decided to try this DIY patio system. It's nice and...

Grey Water Wetland

Why create a grey water wetland? How do they Work? There are many reasons to create a grey water wetland. Water is a valuable resource and we might as well get multiple uses out of it. Greywater is...

Garden Stream

Why we added a DIY garden stream and the benefits that come with it. We added a DIY garden stream to our wildlife pond. I did this because i wanted to add extra filtration. The stream also adds...